Produced by remote control productions (rcp) and developed by Aesir Interactive, this groundbreaking multiplayer experience launches exclusively on HOLOGATE, the leading location-based entertainment VR system. Work together as a team and coordinate your counter-actions precisely to avoid certain death. Step into one of four different roles and overcome the challenge of being the Commander, the Watch Officer, Chief Engineer or Helmsman of U-612 under attack. Will you be able to escape the fierce attacks of the enemy guiding your comrades to safety or will you meet your demise in the depths of the harsh sea? On the mission to intercept allied freighters in the Atlantic, you and a friendly submarine are ambushed by British destroyers.Ĭhaos ensues when the hunters become the hunted and your partner u-boat is heavily damaged in the process. In DAS BOOT – VR ESCAPE four players work co-operatively to take control of a German u-boat on a deadly mission inspired by the critically acclaimed anti-war movie and Sky TV series.
Surfacing from the deep is the latest exclusive HOLOGATE PLUS game for the HOLOGATE ARENA platform, a thrilling, cooperative, submarine experience, DAS BOOT – VR ESCAPE! Munich, November 29th, 2019 – DAS BOOT, the critically acclaimed movie and tv series has been re-imagined in HOLOGATE VR, and will be rolling out worldwide to HOLOGATE ARENA systems early next week!
HOLOGATE announces release of DAS BOOT – VR Escape